RBI extends deadline for banks to upgrade ATMs

RBI gives banks time till March 2022 to use only lockable cassettes for replenishing cash in ATMs.

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has given banks more time to use only lockable cassettes for replenishing cash in ATMs. The deadline has now been extended till March 2022.

Currently, most of the ATMs (Automated Teller Machines) are replenished by way of open cash top-up or by loading cash in the machines on the spot.

To do away with the current system, the RBI had asked banks to ensure that lockable cassettes are swapped at the time of cash replenishment in the ATMs.

The shift in deadline follows representations from banks citing difficulties in moving towards the lockable cassettes system.

In April 2018, RBI had asked banks to consider using lockable cassettes in their ATMs which shall be swapped at the time of cash replenishment. It was to be implemented in a phased manner covering at least one-third ATMs operated by the banks every year, such that all ATMs achieve cassette swap by 31 March 2021.

"In this regard, representations have been received from Indian Banks'' Association on behalf of various banks expressing difficulties in meeting this timeline. Accordingly, it has been decided to extend the timeline for implementation of cassette swap in all ATMs till March 31, 2022," RBI said.

Banks have also been asked to monitor progress and make the required course correction at the end of every quarter and report status to the RBI.

The recommendation to switch to lockable cassettes in ATMs was based on report of Committee on Currency Movement that was set up by the central bank.

At the end of May, India had 1,10,623 ATMs on site of banks and 1,04,031 of site-ATMs.